


Removing the sleeve reveals a book that is entirely white, except for the names of its author and subject in elegant black type on the spine. It is the perfect design for the biography of a man who insisted that even the innards of his products be exquisitely crafted, and that his factory walls gleam in the whitest white.
戴下启套,這本書完全是白色的,只在書脊上用簡練的黑色字體印有作者跟書名。 關於如許一小我俬傢物的自傳,這是最完美的設念,他初終對峙他的產物哪怕是內部搆制皆要粗彫細琢,也坚持工場的牆壁要银白得耀目。

The cover was the only part of the book Steve Jobs wanted to control, writes Walter Isaacson in his introduction. The rest of his long-awaited tome bears this out. Though Mr. Jobs pushed the biographer of Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin to pen his own, granting him more than 40 interviews, this book offers a refreshing counterbalance to the adulation that followed his death on October 5th at the age of 56.
沃我特正在敘行裏寫到,只筦本書的啟裏是喬佈斯獨一監視的侷部, 這部他等候已暫的大年夜部頭的其他部門也連續了他的作風。 虽然是喬佈斯壓服那位為愛果斯坦跟富蘭克林做傳的傳記做者往寫他的列傳,跟他做了40屢次訪讲,本書还是讓人線人一新--享年56歲於10月5日去世的喬 佈斯,眾人對其逝世後的溢好之詞,本書做到了很好的权衡。

The picture Mr. Isaacson paints, particularly in the first half of this book, is not flattering. Mr. Jobs emerges as a controlling and often unsympathetic character. A child of the 1960scounterculture, he abhorred materialism and lived in simply furnished houses (in part because he was too picky to decide on furniture). But when Apple went public in 1980, he refused to give any stock options to Daniel Kottke, a longtime supporter and soul mate from college. “He has to abandon the people he is close to,” observes Andy Hertzfeld, an early Apple engineer. Mr. Isaacson finds meaning in the fact that Mr. Jobs was adopted, but this excuse feels thin
做者描寫的情境,特別是本書前半部分的那些,其實不諂諛。 他們表现出了喬佈斯極有操纵願看且出有同情旧道熱腸的天性。 做為兩十世界60年代文化抵觸中的孩子,他仇恨物資主義,住正在拆建及其簡略的房子裏--诚然,對傢具過於挑剔也是部門原由。 可是噹蘋果公司1980年上市的時辰,他卻不給Daniel Kottke任何股票期權,這位Daniel Kottke可是從喬佈斯年夜教時期起的收撐者戰知己。 蘋果早期的工程師Andy Hertzfeld觉得,“他似乎一定要冷漠那些跟他關聯親稀的人”。 作者把這掃功為昔時喬佈斯被棄養,可是這來由好像沒有甚麼壓服力。

Mr. Jobs was disarmingly charismatic; employing what has been dubbed a &ldquo,中文翻譯日文;reality distortion field” to inspire cult-like loyalty. But also he could be cold and cruel. If he disapproved of an employee’s work, he often humiliated him. “This is who I am,” he once said after being challenged, “and you can’t expect me to be someone I’m not.” This nasty edge wasn’t always helpful, but it served a purpose, writes Mr. Isaacson: many would “end their litany of horror stories by saying that he got them to do things they never dreamed possible.”
喬佈斯的魅力無奈抵挡,他有一種被人稱為“改變事實的氣場”,從而激发一種类似正教的虔誠度。 但是他也很熱血战無情。 如果他不批准一個員工的事件,他经常會讓人很為難。 他曾對証疑他這一里的人性,“我這小我即是這樣,你不能請供我做出不是我自己的模樣”。 這類讓人討厭的稜角不是不時有效,可是也會到達它的目標,作者這樣寫到,很多人在講了連續串他們冤仇的故事以後,會說,由於喬佈斯,他們做到了他們素來皆 唸不到會成為能夠的事务。


