
翻譯:Phishing 網絡釣魚

Yang Li: 大傢好,我是楊莉。正在我們的 Real English,也便是《隧道英語》節目中 我們要來一些書本之外的新詞跟說法。

Neil: English is a language that is always growing and developing. That’s why you need to keep up-to-date with Real English.

Yang Li: That’s right. Neil 那麼,明天你要給年夜傢介紹的這個新詞是什麼呢?

Neil: Today’s new word is 'phishing'.

Yang Li: Fishing? Isn’t that when you catch a fish from the sea or river? I don&rsquo,日語翻譯社;t think that’s a new word, Neil.

Neil: I see what you mean. But this word is not connected with fish from the sea. That’s why we spell it differently. P.H.I.S.H.I.N.G.

Yang Li: 啊哈,發音雷同,然而拼寫纷歧樣。So what does phishing mean, Neil?

Neil: It’s a little bit plicated so please listen carefully. Phishing describes a new kind of Internet crime.

Yang Li: A crime!

Neil: Yes, a crime using the Internet. The criminals send you an email which appears to be from your bank. The email tells you to go to a website that looks almost identical to the bank’s real website. The criminals will have all your financial details and they can start spending your money.

Yang Li: 這麼說,'phishing' 能够譯為 ‘網絡釣魚’, 換句話說, 犯法人偽裝成某銀止網站, 並教唆您把賬號或信誉卡告訴他們, 從而詐騙錢財.


A: I got one of those 'phishing' emails today.

B: Phishing? What’s that?

A: Well, it’s an email that claims to be from your bank and it has a link to a website which asks for your account and credit card details.

B: So did you put your details in?

A: No way! My bank never asks for that kind of online. It’s a trick that criminals use to steal your money.

Yang Li: I hope that the criminals don’t get into your bank account, Neil.

Neil: Well, even if they do,韓文翻譯中文, they won’t find much money in there, I’m afraid!

Yang Li: Same here! 好了, 我們來復習一下古天的新詞. Phishing 網絡釣魚, 顧名思義, 就是以銀行網站脸孔出現, 詐騙錢財. 所以, 萬一你掽到類似的郵件,千萬不要上鉤兒!

Neil: Ok, Lily. We have to go now. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Bye.

Yang Li: Bye.

