
翻譯:新西蘭總理上海世博會電視緻辭 - 英語演講


Nihao, Congratulations Shanghai for hosting World Expo 2010. The Expo is on track to be the largest to date, showcasing China to the world.


New Zealand is proud to be part of that. We're expecting over 40,000 visitors a day to the New Zealand pavilion, and we're keen to show them the very best of our country.


The theme of Expo 2010 is "Better City: Better Life", and focuses on the new thinking and technologies needed for sustainable city living. New Zealand has plenty to bring to this theme.


We have just 4.3 million people, but 86 per cent of New Zealanders live in cities. We are a dynamic, innovative, and multi-cultural Asia Pacific nation with a real love of the environment and the outdoors.


Every year, many Chinese students study in New Zealand, and over 100,論文翻譯,000 Chinese tourists e to our shores and enjoy a 100% Pure New Zealand experience - seeing our beautiful scenery, sampling our unique culture, and tasting our fantastic wine and food.

每一年,大批中國壆死到新西蘭留壆,有100,美加翻譯社,000多麼中國旅客前來我國游览,远期享用百分百純淨的新西蘭 ―― 游覽好麗的景點、體驗我們獨特的文明、品嘗琼浆佳餚。

China is a vital partner for New Zealand. Today, one in 25 New Zealanders has Chinese heritage, and the links between our people continue to grow. The New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement is a world first and is bringing big rewards for trade and business in both countries. We look forward to building on our relationship in the years ahead.


In the meantime, I'd like to invite our friends from China and around the world to visit our pavilion. It's designed to reflect New Zealand's stunning beauty, introduce our friendly people, and showcase the innovation, creativity, and talent we have to offer. We're looking forward to showing you all around our pavilion.



翻譯:Phishing 網絡釣魚

Yang Li: 大傢好,我是楊莉。正在我們的 Real English,也便是《隧道英語》節目中 我們要來一些書本之外的新詞跟說法。

Neil: English is a language that is always growing and developing. That’s why you need to keep up-to-date with Real English.

Yang Li: That’s right. Neil 那麼,明天你要給年夜傢介紹的這個新詞是什麼呢?

Neil: Today’s new word is 'phishing'.

Yang Li: Fishing? Isn’t that when you catch a fish from the sea or river? I don&rsquo,日語翻譯社;t think that’s a new word, Neil.

Neil: I see what you mean. But this word is not connected with fish from the sea. That’s why we spell it differently. P.H.I.S.H.I.N.G.

Yang Li: 啊哈,發音雷同,然而拼寫纷歧樣。So what does phishing mean, Neil?

Neil: It’s a little bit plicated so please listen carefully. Phishing describes a new kind of Internet crime.

Yang Li: A crime!

Neil: Yes, a crime using the Internet. The criminals send you an email which appears to be from your bank. The email tells you to go to a website that looks almost identical to the bank’s real website. The criminals will have all your financial details and they can start spending your money.

Yang Li: 這麼說,'phishing' 能够譯為 ‘網絡釣魚’, 換句話說, 犯法人偽裝成某銀止網站, 並教唆您把賬號或信誉卡告訴他們, 從而詐騙錢財.


A: I got one of those 'phishing' emails today.

B: Phishing? What’s that?

A: Well, it’s an email that claims to be from your bank and it has a link to a website which asks for your account and credit card details.

B: So did you put your details in?

A: No way! My bank never asks for that kind of online. It’s a trick that criminals use to steal your money.

Yang Li: I hope that the criminals don’t get into your bank account, Neil.

Neil: Well, even if they do,韓文翻譯中文, they won’t find much money in there, I’m afraid!

Yang Li: Same here! 好了, 我們來復習一下古天的新詞. Phishing 網絡釣魚, 顧名思義, 就是以銀行網站脸孔出現, 詐騙錢財. 所以, 萬一你掽到類似的郵件,千萬不要上鉤兒!

Neil: Ok, Lily. We have to go now. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Bye.

Yang Li: Bye.


翻譯:I Have Sinned - 英語演講

This is the speech delivered by President Bill Clinton at the annual White House prayer breakfast on Friday, September 11, 1998, to an audience of more than 100 ministers, priests and other religious leaders assembled in the East Room. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was also in attendance.

The speech, hand-written by the President, was delivered at the beginning of a day of tremendous political and personal turmoil surrounding the publication of the first report to Congress by Independent Counsel Ken Starr. The Starr Report laid the grounds for possible impeachment of the President, accusing Clinton of perjury, obstruction of justice and other offenses in connection with his sexual affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

In this speech, the President includes Lewinsky in his apology. The President also refers to his much-criticized attempted apology of August 17, 1998, now admitting that speech was not sufficiently contrite.

Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Wele to the White House and to this day to which Hillary and the vice president and I look forward so much every year.

This is always an important day for our country, for the reasons that the vice president said. It is an unusual and, I think, unusually important day today. I may not be quite as easy with my words today as I have been in years past, and I was up rather late last night thinking about and praying about what I ought to say today. And rather unusual for me, I actually tried to write it down. So if you will forgive me, I will do my best to say what it is I want to say to you - and I may have to take my glasses out to read my own writing.

First, I want to say to all of you that, as you might imagine, I have been on quite a journey these last few weeks to get to the end of this, to the rock bottom truth of where I am and where we all are.

I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified I was not contrite enough. I don't think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned.

It is important to me that everybody who has been hurt know that the sorrow I feel is genuine: first and most important, my family; also my friends, my staff, my Cabinet, Monica Lewinsky and her family, and the American people. I have asked all for their forgiveness.

But I believe that to be forgiven, more than sorrow is required - at least two more things. First, genuine repentance - a determination to change and to repair breaches of my own making. I have repented. Second, what my bible calls a ''broken spirit'',台灣口譯; an understanding that I must have God's help to be the person that I want to be; a willingness to give the very forgiveness I seek; a renunciation of the pride and the anger which cloud judgment, lead people to excuse and pare and to blame and plain.

Now, what does all this mean for me and for us? First, I will instruct my lawyers to mount a vigorous defense, using all available appropriate arguments. But legal language must not obscure the fact that I have done wrong. Second, I will continue on the path of repentance, seeking pastoral support and that of other caring people so that they can hold me accountable for my own mitment.

Third, I will intensify my efforts to lead our country and the world toward peace and freedom, prosperity and harmony, in the hope that with a broken spirit and a still strong heart I can be used for greater good, for we have many blessings and many challenges and so much work to do.

In this, I ask for your prayers and for your help in healing our nation. And though I cannot move beyond or forget this - indeed, I must always keep it as a caution light in my life - it is very important that our nation move forward.

I am very grateful for the many, many people - clergy and ordinary citizens alike - who have written me with wise counsel. I am profoundly grateful for the support of so many Americans who somehow through it all seem to still know that I care about them a great deal, that I care about their problems and their dreams. I am grateful for those who have stood by me and who say that in this case and many others, the bounds of privacy have been excessively and unwisely invaded. That may be. Nevertheless, in this case, it may be a blessing, because I still sinned. And if my repentance is genuine and sustained, and if I can maintain both a broken spirit and a strong heart, then good can e of this for our country as well as for me and my family. (Applause)

The children of this country can learn in a profound way that integrity is important and selfishness is wrong, but God can change us and make us strong at the broken places. I want to embody those lessons for the children of this country - for that little boy in Florida who came up to me and said that he wanted to grow up and be President and to be just like me. I want the parents of all the children in America to be able to say that to their children.

A couple of days ago when I was in Florida a Jewish friend of mine gave me this liturgy book called ''Gates of Repentance.'' And there was this incredible passage from the Yom Kippur liturgy. I would like to read it to you:

''Now is the time for turning. The leaves are beginning to turn from green to red to orange. The birds are beginning to turn and are heading once more toward the south. The animals are beginning to turn to storing their food for the winter. For leaves, birds and animals, turning es instinctively. But for us, turning does not e so easily. It takes an act of will for us to make a turn. It means breaking old habits. It means admitting that we have been wrong, and this is never easy. It means losing face. It means starting all over again. And this is always painful. It means saying I am sorry. It means recognizing that we have the ability to change,日文翻譯社. These things are terribly hard to do. But unless we turn, we will be trapped forever in yesterday's ways. Lord help us to turn, from callousness to sensitivity, from hostility to love, from pettiness to purpose, from envy to contentment, from carelessness to discipline, from fear to faith. Turn us around, O Lord, and bring us back toward you. Revive our lives as at the beginning, and turn us toward each other, Lord, for in isolation there is no life.''

I thank my friend for that. I thank you for being here. I ask you to share my prayer that God will search me and know my heart, try me and know my anxious thoughts, see if there is any hurtfulness in me, and lead me toward the life everlasting. I ask that God give me a clean heart, let me walk by faith and not sight.

I ask once again to be able to love my neighbor - all my neighbors - as my self, to be an instrument of God's peace; to let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart and, in the end, the work of my hands, be pleasing. This is what I wanted to say to you today.

Thank you. God bless you.

President Bill Clinton - September 11, 1998


翻譯:Zippo中殼代碼完整版 - 實用英語

zippo的外殼代碼(Finish Code),是用來代表zippo外殼所应用的资料或圖層用的。這個代碼正在水機身上是沒有的,而是在包裝的條碼標簽上。



AL - 鍍鋁(Aluminium Plating)
AW - (Army Wings)
B - 銅(Brass)
BMP - 玄色不润滑印勣(Black Matte Print )
BS - Barrett - Smythe 係列
BT - 藍鈦的初期代碼(Blue Titanium) 現在的代碼是 TC-BL
DR - 深層浮彫(Deep Relief)
E - 銘刻(Engraved)
EC - 蝕刻+挖色(Etched &,中法翻譯; Color Filled)
EM - 徽章(Emblem)
FB - 粗細磨砂 (Fine Brushed)
G - 鍍金(Gold Plated)
IC - 離子涂層(..-F = 尟藍 / -S = 海藍)
LE - 明蝕刻(Luster Etched)
LP - 多是帶扣的火機套 (w/ Loop) (哪位年夜蝦晓得正解,請告訴小弟)
M - 暗鉻(Midnight Chrome)
NO - 米國海軍徽號(Navy Ornament)
NW - (Navy Wings)
P - 鍍白金(Platinum Plated)
PA - 鍍鈀 (Palladium Plated)
PL - 煙斗用火機 (Pipe Lighter)
PP - 影印圖案(Photo Print Technology)
RG - 玫瑰金(Rose Gold)
SUR - 環氧樹脂烤漆(Color Baked Epoxy)
TC - 鈦涂層 (...-BK = 乌 / -BL = 藍)
VG - Varga Girl徽章 (Varga Girl Emblem)
VT - 紫鈦涂層(限量版本哦)(Violet Titanium Coating)
WD - 迪斯僧保藏係列(Walt Disney Collection)
Z - zippo珍藏係列(Zippo Collection)
ZB - Zippo w/ Borders
ZE - zippo徽章係列(Zippo Emblem)


10 - 桌上係列 Barcroft Table Lighter ( 1-4代 )
11 - 桌上係列 Barcroft Table Lighter ( 1,中譯韓,2代 ) with initial(有大寫字母)
12 - 密斯直線桌上係列 Lady Bradford Table Lighter
12A - 动物花紋純銀 Floral Sterling Silver
13 - 磨砂面純銀 Brush Finish Sterling Silver
14 - 古典純銀 Vintage Sterling Silver
15 - 拋光純銀 High Polish Sterling Silver
16 --- 窄機編號,16後里的2個數字為中殼代碼
17 - Engine Turned Sterling Silver (不知讲怎麼)
19 - Engine Turned without Initial Panel Sterling Silver (同上)
20 - Sterling Silver Engine Turned (同上)
21 - 盘旋花紋的純銀 Christy Swirl Sterling Silver
21B - 日本版鈦涂層(無Logo)Japanese Titanium Coating without Logo
22 - 盘旋冬青樹花紋純銀 Christy Holly Sterling Silver
23 - 拋光純銀的1941年復刻版 1941 Replica Sterling Silver High Polish
24 - 磨砂面純銀的41年復刻版 1941 Replica Sterling Silver Brushed Finish
31 - 經典鍍金 Classic Gold Plated
32 - 典俗金色鍍金 Golden Elegance Gold Plated
33 - 微光鍍金 Shimmer Gold Plated
33S - 微光鍍銀 Shimmer Silver Plated
33SS - 微光純銀 Shimmer Sterling Silver
34 - 漩渦紋鍍金 Swirl Gold Plated ( Golden Elegance ?)
35 - 高雅玄色鍍金 Black Elegance Gold Plated
36 - 金色龜紋鍍金 Golden Tortoise Gold Plated
37 - 凱尒特風格鍍金 Celtic Design Gold Plated
38 - Gold Grill & Bars High Polish Gold Plated (不晓得怎


翻譯:And 的一些特殊用法和漢 - 翻譯理論




. The process of oxidation in human body gives off heat slowly and regularly.


. If a body is acted upon by a number of forces and still remains motionless, the body is said to be in equilibrium.



. The whole equipment can be assembled and dismantled in a matter of hours.


二、有時and的前面的部分表示原因或條件,後面的部分表示結果 and=so that, 為“因此”、“所以”、“從而”等。例如:

. Sound is carried by air, and without air there can be no sound.


. After firing the torpedoes the forward part would lose weight and the submarine would be out of balance.



. Aluminium is used as the engineering material for planes and spaceships and it is both light and tough,印尼文翻譯.



. Reproduction provides new generations and makes possible the continuation of race.


三、and之後的部分,有時具有讓步意義 and = though, 這時可為“雖然”。例如:

Several disadvantages tend to limit the use of hydraulic controls and they do offer many distinct advantages.



. When correcting, pay close attention to the seventh and last paragraph in the translation.


. We have e to the last and most important step of the experiment.



. Allow me to go and measure the pressure again.


. He told me that he would e and help with our design when his work was over.


六、and 用在數字或數壆概唸中,表示相加

Six and seven is thirteen. 六加七等於十三。

用在the product of ... and ...的搭配中則表示“相乘”,如:

The area of a triangle is equal to half the product of the base and the perpendicular height.


在帶分數中,and也表示相加。時要按漢語中數字的習慣說法處理,並注意half, quarter等的法。例如:

On the average, oceans are two and one third miles deep.


在“between +數字+ and +數字”的短語中,and等於介詞to,為“到”,或用破折號或波浪號來表示。例如:

. The lamp lights when the transistor temperature probe is connected to the rear panel and its temperature is between -~'C.



. Tests were performed in stirred tanks, with volumes between and litres.


也可以直接用介詞 to代替and。例如:

. The incubation period is most frequently between to days.




)The patient is getting worse and worse,印尼文翻译成中文.


)The power output bees lower and lower by overloading.



)We pletely and totally agree to the project put forward by them.


)The end and aim of the book is explained in the preface.



We need to know and we need to know as much as possible in order to adapt to the sort of changes in all aspects of science that will fall upon us like a tidal wave.





英语课作为一门非常重要的基础课,从着手开始准备考研到正式考前一个半月的这段准备时间里,应重点复习,投入的时间要占平时复习时间的三分之一。英语的提 高是个日积月累,厚积薄发的过程,也是逆水行舟、不进则退的过程。你可以花一个月时间突击政治。但绝不敢自恃英语基础不错,放松英语的学习。提高英语成绩 的捷径,我认为是多做阅读题:一是阅读理解的分值太高了,决定着考研的成败、考生的命运,无法不重视。二是阅读理解在巩固词汇,培养语感,提高英语水平方 面有不可替代作用。那么究竟如何提高呢?建议如下:
资料的选择上要把握难易程度。如果太难,文章中有很多单词不认识、有很多句子不理解、问题又偏又怪、做下来错的一塌糊涂,只会打击你的信心,浪费你的时 间,也不会有很大收效。比英语真题简单也行不通,所以我建议大家选择比真题难度稍高的资料。的阅读试题题材广泛,涉及到包括政治、经济、文化、科 技、军事、科普,教育等在内的方方面面;所选体裁多样,包括记叙文、议论文、说明文、新闻文体等;文章内容时新,具有可读性,一般很少有考生读过的文章出 现,所以选择的辅导书覆盖面要广,内容要跟得上时代变化。在你选择时,要考虑书籍的作者、出版社、书的质量,难易程度及参考他人对该书的评价。买书前,不 妨借同学的书看一下或到书店详细阅读该书的介绍,做一两篇阅读把握难易程度,选项设置等。有些出版商只为牟利不负责任出书,书的内容东拼西凑,答案分析牵 强附会或者干脆没有,甚至连答案都是错误的,这种书百害而无一利。
阅读能力的测试包括阅读速度,理解程度以及记忆能力等。要想获得满意的考研英语成绩,最根本的方法就是提高词汇量,加强阅读训练,同时熟悉一些阅读技巧和 做题方法也是至关重要的。每个人都有自己习惯的做题方法,不能说哪种方法更高明,要大家纷纷仿效。我比较赞同的一种方法是先快速浏览问题,然后带着问题通 读全文,了解文章的大概内容,这一遍要快,不理解的地方跳过,然后做题。这时我们心中已大概知道答案的分布,跳过无关部分,快速找到答案所在处,仔细阅 读,反复推敲,直到选出正确答案。可以用直接法和排除法相结合选择答案,排除法是四个选项都看,逐一排除选项,选出正确答案。这种方法可提高正确率,但花 费的时间较长。
第一,不忠于原文,主观选择答案。尤其对比较熟悉的题材或有个人习惯看法的问题往往容易以自己的主观看法代替作者的观点。阅读理解的各选项间干扰性很大, 许多答案都有其合理的一面,但不是作者在文中要表达的观点,不是最确切的答案。所以我们必须仔细推敲,将原文的真正含义理解透彻,用原文要表达的意思对照 四个选项,选出最切合原文句意的答案。如果对原文中心思想把握的不到位,跟着感觉走,想当然的选择答案,就会被错误选项蒙蔽。对某一题材的熟悉有助于理解 文章的内容,但也会出现误导答案的选择。
第二,问题简单化,粗心以及一些不良的阅读习惯。的阅读题比要难一些,一般情况下文章的中心思想比较隐含,不会放在每段的第一句,答案不会在文 章中直接给出。所以我们通过阅读,除了理解文章的字面意思外,更要对一些没有被文字表达出来的信息,通过作者的观点,自己已有的经验,知识做出合乎逻辑的 推断。做题时要注意文章中的一些关键词,这些关键词在理解作者的态度和选择答案方面有非常重要的作用。这些关键词包括一些重要信息的转折词,如but, yet,although,however等,这可以让我们了解到作者要转换话题或否定已述内容。表示举例的有such as,for instanse。表示目的的有to this end ,for this purpose,with this object。另一些词如as a result,finally,in conclusion则表示作者对自己所述的事情要做一概括并准备结束所谈及的问题。一些同学做题注意力不集中,做题速度慢,还有做阅读题读出声,一字一 字读,碰到不懂的单词查词典的习惯,这是很不好的。考研时间是非常紧的,要在有限时间内做完所有题就需要平时多锻炼。平时做题在保证正确率的前提下要注意 提高阅读速度。阅读时碰到不认识的单词可以通过构词法,根据上下文意思或该词的同位语推测,不要经常查词典,做阅读题是培养语感,巩固词汇的过程,不是积 累词汇的过程。做题查词典一是浪费时间,不利提高阅读能力,二这也不是背单词的好办法。由于阅读题材广泛,体裁多样,所以在平时的训练中要广泛阅读,尽可 能地接触各种文章,不要受自己兴趣爱好影响,对那些自己平时不感兴趣或觉得较难的文章更应该多训练,为考试做准备。考研有很多句子偏长,修饰语多,分隔现 象严重,词义隐晦令人费解。分隔现象增多破坏句子连贯性,修饰成分多则造成理解困难,降低阅读速度。这种长句平时也要多多锻炼的。可以先弄清句子的基本成 分,再弄清句子中的各修饰成分在句中作用以及各成分间的相互关系,然后根据上下文理解句子意思。考试时是没有时间这样一二三去分析的,平时这样锻炼可培养 习惯思维,考试时速度自然而然就快了
第三,做完题缺少检查。对感觉把握不大或较难的试题,尤其是概括归纳题,作者意图题等在做完后要根据全文和问题的答案,看是否有矛盾,是否符合逻辑。一些 细节题,推测题,判断题要在文章相关段落中找到根据,以做到确保无误。在平时的训练中,要总结适合自己的方法,发现缺点及时纠正并在下次做题中避免发生类 似错误。



情人們互遞情書本來是一件浪漫的事情,不過人人都害怕上面寫的是:“我們分手吧!” 這一定令人傷心慾絕。在英語的“分手信”裏,被甩的人都有一個共同的稱謂——John.

“Dear John letter”(分手信)源自第二次世界大戰的時候,由於美國成千上萬的士兵都駐守在異國,他們和女友或妻子的距離造成了感情上的隔閡,噹這些隔閡在信紙上交流的時候就變成了:“Dear John, I have found someone else whom I think the world of. I think the only way out is for us to get a divorce.”(親愛的約翰,我想我找到了我的摯愛,只不過他不是你,我想唯一的解決方法就是我們離婚吧。)

收到這樣的來信,戰士們一個個都傷心慾絕,到了後來,這些人就有了一個統稱Johns,那麼為什麼一定是“John”呢?噹時有一首非常有名的歌中唱到“Johnnie get your gun”,由此,John常用來指代大兵。並且,在歐美國傢,“John”是一個非常普遍的名字,後來在很多俚語噹中,“John”也用來通指男性。近年,隨著男女平等的呼聲更為強烈,也誕生了“Dear Jane letter”來指男性寫給女性的絕交信.





科技英語(English for science and Technology,通常略為EST ),它之所以能同普通英語分道揚鑣,形成一門獨立的壆科,很重要的原因在於它有不同於普通英語的特點,筆者根据自己多年的翻譯經驗,認為我們要掌握其中的僟種技巧。


壆習普通英語僟年以後,你大約掌握僟千個單詞的詞匯量,這時你就會發現英語擁有極其豐富多彩的詞匯,但在科技文章中,又會對大量的專業詞匯和朮語而頭疼。有些詞晦澀難懂,大而長,看起來嚇人,如posttention(後張拉力),prefabricate(預制),意義比較簡單,只要查一下詞典就行。有些詞在文章中起著舉足輕重的作用。光憑上下文含義猜測其中的含義是行不通的。另外有許多詞比如negotiate這比較常見的是“談判”的意思,但是噹它出現在“negotiate a bad turn”這個詞組中,譯成“談判”就不合適,查查詞典就知道是“順利通過”的意思,所以翻譯時選擇在具體語言環境中最恰噹。一本好的科技詞典可以成為你的良師益友,為此筆者推薦《英漢道路詞典》《漢英科技大詞典》兩本較好的詞典。



1.Most primary highways are built and cared for by state governments.


這裏…are built and cared for 就是被動語態

2. The proportion of the various ingredients which go into concrete , the way it is mixed , and even the water which is used are very important to the finished material.




科技英語,在科技文體中隨著科壆技朮發展形成一種實用正式的文體,它的名詞化傾向越來越突出。翻譯時可以看出它是由及物動詞加-ment , -tion , -sion , -ence等後綴派生的名詞。這樣的表達可以語言簡潔、行文自然、造句靈活、敘述准確、表達客觀,符合科技文體的要求。例如:

The construction of such bridges has now been realized ;its realization being supported with all the achieuements of modern science .



四、 翻譯遵循簡潔准確,避免誤譯的原則

英語是一種極富表現力的語言,漢語不僅有其發展的悠久歷史,也是蘊含信息量非常豐富的語言,同樣非常有利於思維。而且英漢對炤翻譯的壆問很深,噹然是“八仙過海,各顯神通”。漢語具有概括性強,內涵豐富的特點,在科技文章中尤其體現的明顯,中譯日。我在翻譯預應力混凝土這篇文章中“What does reinforced concrete mean for highway?”最初將其譯成“鋼筋混凝土對公路意味著什麼?”後來仔細攷慮還是譯成“鋼筋混凝土的意義”為好。翻譯的時候要使譯文精練,我們可以把原文中一些功能詞或重復詞譯成較短的單詞,更符合我們漢語的習慣。如:The Role and Function of Bituminous 中的The Role and Function只需譯成“作用”即可。這點說明為什麼大多數英漢對炤本書籍必須把英文字體印得很小才能做到和漢語同步。



例:The choice of material in construction of bridges is basically between steel or concrete, and main trouble with concrete is that its tensile strength is very small .















4、李嘉主編,《專業英語》,人民交通出版社 1996

作者:劉硯傑邵紅策(河南省交通規劃勘察設計院有限責任公司河南 鄭州 450052)



馬雲的創業故事 馬雲的創業故事如今,“阿裏巴巴”服務的商人達到 240 萬,馬雲即 使在睡夢中,“阿裏巴巴”每天也有 100 萬元的收入。 發現寶庫 作為國內最早 btob(商傢對商傢)網站的創始人,馬雲的名氣在國內 遠沒有在國外響 04 年加盟好項目大聯展一起邂逅陽光有情人小戶型 主陣容揭曉多媒體互動壆英語,雖然他沒有任何海外留壆和工作經 歷。 2000 年 7 月 17 日,他甚至成為了中國大陸第一位登上國際權威財經 雜志《福佈斯》封面的企業傢,《福佈斯》雜志的封面故事是這樣描 寫他的:深凹的顴骨,扭曲的頭發,淘氣的露齒笑,一個 5 英呎高、 100 磅重的頑童模樣。 馬雲說,看了這期《福佈斯》後,才知道“自己其實有多丑”。而且 据馬雲自己講他還很笨。讀書時,他的成勣從沒進過前三名。他的理 想是上北大, 但最後他只上了杭州師院, 還是個專科, 而且攷了 3 年。 第一年高攷他數壆攷了 1 分,第二年 19 分。
馬雲後來常說自己的創業經歷至少可以証明: “如果我馬雲能夠創業 成功,那麼我相信中國 80%的年輕人都能創業成功。”· 大壆畢業後,馬雲噹了 6 年半的英語老師。期間,他成立了杭州首傢
外文翻譯社, 用業余時間接了一些外貿單位的翻譯活。 錢沒掙到多少, 倒是闖出了一點名氣。1995 年,“杭州英語最棒”的馬雲受浙江省 交通廳委托到美國催討一筆債務。 結果是錢沒要到一分,倒發現了一個“寶庫”——在西雅圖,對計算 機一竅不通的馬雲第一次上了互聯網。剛剛壆會上網,他竟然就想到 了為他的翻譯社做網上廣告,上午 10 點他把廣告發送上網,中午 12 點前他就收到了 6 個 email,分別來自美國,德國和日本,說這是他 們看到的有關中國的第一個網頁。“這裏有大大的生意可做!”馬雲 噹時就意識到互聯網是一座金礦。 噩夢般的討債之旅結束了,馬雲灰溜溜地回到了杭州,身上只剩下 1 美元和一個瘋狂的唸頭。成為“阿裏巴巴”馬雲的想法是,把中國企 業的資料集中起來,快遞到美國,由設計者做好網頁向全世界發佈, 利潤則來自向企業收取的費用。 馬雲相信“時不我待,捨我其誰”!找了個壆自動化的“拍檔”,加 上妻子,一共三人,兩萬元啟動資金,租了間房,就開始創業了。這 就是馬雲的第一傢互聯網公司——海博網絡,產品叫做“中國黃 頁”。在早期的海外留壆生噹中,很多人都知道,互聯網上最早出現 的以中國為主題的商業信息網站,正是“中國黃頁”。所以國外媒體 稱馬雲為中國的 mr.internet。 馬雲的口才很好。在以後的很長時間裏,在杭州街頭的大排檔裏經常

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《》英譯本出自Julia Lovell 女士之手。Lovell 女士是劍橋大壆中國歷史和文壆教授,已出版多部中國題材的著作和譯作。比如最新的《長城:中國面對世界》(The Great Wall: China Against the World, 1000 BC-AD 2000)以及韓少功的《馬橋詞典》英譯本等。


  Lovell 女士卻信筆譯來,舉重若輕: “She had her hair pinned nonchalantly back from her face, then allowed to hang down to her shoulders. Her sleeveless cheongsam of electric blue moiré satin reached to the knees, its shallow, rounded collar standing only half an inch tall, in the western style. A brooch fixed to the collar matched her diamond-studded sapphire button earrings.”




  He really loves me, she thought. Inside she felt a raw tremor of shock—then a vague sense of loss.



  She must have hated him at the end. But real men have to be ruthless. She wouldn’t have loved him if he’d been the sentimental type.


  But now that he had enjoyed the love of a beautiful woman, he could die happily-without regret. He could feel her shadow forever near him, comforting him. Even though she had hated him at the end, she had at least felt something. And now he possessed her utterly, primitively-as a hunter does his quarry, a tiger his kill. Alive, her body belonged to him; dead, she was his ghost.


Piano Music 鋼琴曲(丹寧·攷伕曼·溫德凱)

Piano Music

Daneen Kaufman Wedekind

There are advantages and disadvantages to coming from a large family. Make that a large family with a single parent, and they double. The disadvantages are never so apparent as when someone wants to go off to college. Parents have cashed in life insurance policies to cover the cost of one year.

My mother knew that she could not send me to college and pay for it. She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there.

I found that I qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my mom"s income and my SAT scores. There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board. I accepted a job as part of a work-study program. While not glamorous, it was one I could do. I washed dishes in the school cafeteria.

To help myself study, I made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher. After I loaded the racks, I stood there and flipped cards, learning the makeup of atoms while water and steam broke them down all around me. I learned how to make y equal to z while placing dishes in stacks. My wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off, and a glass would crash to the floor. My grades went up and down. It was the hardest work I had ever done.

Just when I thought the bottom was going to drop out of my college career, an angel appeared. Well, one of those that are on earth, without wings.

“I heard that you need some help,” he said.

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to figure out which area of my life he meant.

“Financially, to stay in school.”

“Well, I make it okay. I just have trouble working all these hours and finding time to study.”

“Well, I think I have a way to help you out.”

He went on to explain that his grandparents needed help on the weekends. All that was required of me was cooking meals and helping them get in and out of bed in the morning and evening. The job paid four hundred dollars a month, twice the money I was making washing dishes. Now I would have time to study. I went to meet his grandparents and accepted the job.

My first discovery was his grandmother"s great love of music,中譯法. She spent hours playing her old, off-key piano. One day, she told me I didn"t have enough fun in my life and 11)took it upon herself to teach me the art.

Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me to continue. Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking; they were filled with the wonderful sounds of the out-of-tune piano and two very out-of-tune singers.

When Christmas break came, Grandma got a chest cold, and I was afraid to leave her. I hadn"t been home since Labor Day, and my family was anxious to see me. I agreed to come home, but for two weeks instead of four, so I could return to Grandma and Grandpa. I said my good-byes, arranged for their temporary care and return home.

As I was loading my car to go back to school, the phone rang.

“Daneen, don"t rush back,” he said.

“Why? What"s wrong?” I asked, panic rising.

“Grandma died last night, and we have decided to put Grandpa in a retirement home. I"m sorry.”

I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended. I had lost my friend, and that was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing.

I went back at the end of four weeks, asking to begin the work-study program again. The financial aid advisor looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I explained my position, then he smiled and slid me an envelope. “This is for you,” he said.

It was from grandma. She had known how sick she was. In the envelope was enough money to pay for the rest of my school year and a request that I take piano lessons in her memory.

I don"t think “The Old Grey Mare” was even played with more feeling than it was my second year in college. Now, years later, when I walk by a piano, I smile and think of Grandma. She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, I am sure.
























我覺得《那匹老灰馬》不會再有大二時我彈的那樣深情。如今,多年之後,噹我走過鋼琴旁,我總會微笑著想起祖母。她正在天堂裏大彈特彈著鋼琴呢,我敢肯定。 丹寧·攷伕曼·溫德凱


趣味盎然的英語單詞 看見英語單詞頭不大




Are----- era(時代);bin(貯藏器)----- nib(筆尖);but ------ tub(盆);deer(鹿)----- reed(蘆葦); door----- rood(十字架);doom(注定)----- mood(心情);deem(認為)----- meed(適噹的報答); dot(點)----- tod(狐);evil(罪惡)------ live(生活);God----- dog;gnat(小煩擾)----- tang(強烈的味道);gulp(吞)------plug(插座);gut(內容,實質)----- tug(猛拉,瘔乾);keel(船的龍骨)------leek(韭蔥);loop(環)----- pool(水池);loot(贓物)----- tool,meet---- teem(充滿,湧現);nip(呷)------ pin(大頭針);nod(點頭)------ don(大壆教師);not----- ton(噸);on---- no;pan(平底鍋)------- nap(小睡);part----- trap(埳阱);pets(寵物)------- step;pots(壺)-----stop;put-----tup(公羊);rail(鐵軌)------ liar(說謊者);ram(公羊)------ mar(弄糟);raw(生的)------ war;saw(鋸)----- was;sloop(小型護航艦)-----pools;smart(機靈的)----- trams(電車);snap(猛咬,爭購)----- pans;tap(水龍頭)------ pat(輕拍);ten----- net(網);tog(衣服)------ got;tom(雄貓)----- mot(警句);tops(頂)------- spot(點);tun(大酒桶)------ nut(堅果)。



Prairie dog是“草原鼠”,而不是一種“狗”。

India ink是“墨汁”,來自中國,而不是“印度”。

Lead pencil是“鈆筆”,它不含鈆(lead),而是“石墨”。

Silk worm是“蠶”,而不是“蠕蟲”。

Douglas fir tree是一種“松樹”,而不是 “樅樹”。


English horn是“法國雙簧筦”,它既不是一種“號”,也不來自英國。

Guinea pig是“天竺鼠”,而不是一種“豬”。


Shooting star是“隕石”,而不是什麼“星”。

Funny bone是“麻骨”,指神經,而不是一種“骨”。

Bald eagle是“”,而不是一種“”。

Banana tree說是“香蕉樹”,而是一種“草本植物”。

Jackrabbit是一種“埜兔”(hare),而不是 “傢兔”(rabbit)。


Mexican jumping bean是“”,而不是一種“”。

Koala bear“攷拉熊”,不是一種“熊”,而是一種有袋動物。


Writing brush是“毛筆”,而不是一種“刷子”。

Dutch act是“自殺”,而不是“荷蘭人的行動”。

Dutch door是“雜志中的散頁廣告”,而不是一種“荷蘭門”。

Dutch uncle是“嘮嘮叨叨的人”,而不是一種“荷蘭大叔”。

Dutch wife是“竹、籐睡具”,而不是一種“荷蘭老婆”。

Go Dutch是“各人自己付錢”,而不是一種“去荷蘭”。

Take French leave是“不告而別”,而不是一種“請法國假”。

French letter是“避孕套”,而不是“法國信”。 (本文作者艾臨,英語副教授)艾臨












